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We cannot change the course of planetary history, but we like to alleviate our guilt by changing a few bad habits. For example, repurposing old furniture, not throwing away anything that could still be useful to someone, creating decorations with whatever comes to hand, etc.

I often see household items by the roadside that are in very good condition and could still be useful. Know that there are some tricks to avoid throwing things away unnecessarily.

Firstly, you can paint with Colorantic chalk paint, or if you don’t have the skills to do so, you can call on upcycling artists. Some companies offer to collect bulky items. Another trick is to write “for free” on the items, so people will be less shy to take the old things by the roadside. Using social networks is also an excellent option. In short, a multitude of possibilities are available to you.

Many of you ask us if Colorantic chalk paint can be used to paint fabric. Yes! Colorantic paint works wonderfully on fabric, and know that it is not only used to revamp armchairs.

There are no limits to recycling, so here’s an example of one of the most interesting recycling projects carried out by the blogger, Maryberlue.

My daughter had a pair of espadrilles in very good condition, but they were really lacking in shine. Instead of investing in new shoes, I thought of revamping her current shoes to give them a unique style.

By reading the following, you will learn how to revamp shoes while giving them a unique style.

Products used:



  • Clean very well.
  • Apply a coat of primer (water-based or oil-based primer, both work). This step is not necessary, but I recommend it for durability.
  • Paint (amount to prepare for each coat):
  • ½ part paint
  • ½ part translucent light glaze, Window Translucent
  • ¼ part water

Apply four to five coats of paint. For each coat, decrease the amount of water.

Do a light sanding between each coat using the fine side of our two-grain sanding block.

The Glitter

  • Mix glitter with translucent light glaze window.
  • Apply a layer of this mixture.

The Finish

Apply two coats of translucent light glaze window without adding glitter.

In the end, it’s a simple and easy project to accomplish! Just take the time to apply the paint and especially to let your project dry well between each coat of our paint and glaze mixture! You will then have better results!

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