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Whites and Other Pale Colors – Painting Tips

Painting tips for applying whites and light colors that require more steps and preparation. Our goal at Colorantic is to help you achieve the desired effect. These steps will help you avoid bad experiences.

Often customers visiting their local merchants want to use whites in order to create the Shabby Chic or bleached-washed effect. It is possible but it requires more steps if you have materials with more specific finishes.

Testing on a hidden surface with the paint and the protective layer will help you visualize the final result. Also add the finishing coat such as matte varnish, beeswax or clear glaze. It is very important to experiment with light colours since these colours are more difficult to obtain the desired effect.

Step 1

Some finishes may require more steps: melamine, glossy metal, dark Mahogany woods, cherry woods and dark woods, a varnish that had been applied to the surface (and you don’t know if it was an oil or water-based), the Pledge had been sprayed on the surface, or the wood had come into contact with smoke.

Step 2

Clean and let oil-based varnishes fade by adding TSP (be careful, you will need gloves because it is very chemical). Then clean with a damp soapy cloth to remove the TSP. Remember that no oil-based paint base or varnish is compatible with ANY water-based paint!

Step 3

Always do a test beforehand on your surface using the back of a door, the back of your furniture or one of the sides. This way, you won’t have any bad surprises!

Step 4

It is best to add a Shellac or primer (BIN or another type to oil). If you decide to start without trying and your white comes out yellow, add a coat of Shellac. Then repaint a layer with your white paint.

Step 5

Adding the matte varnish, natural beeswax or clear glaze to a test surface after adding your paint will help you see if your white is compatible. When you are certain of the result, add your layer of protection.

It is appropriate to visit your local Colorantic dealer since they are the experts who will help you!

Thank you for using Colorantic and happy painting!

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