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For the past two months, my family and I have been living in a brand new house! Four floors of pre-finished and upcoming projects that are very exciting.

After removing a good part of the pre-finish from the ground floor and staircase, I suddenly felt the urge to revamp this black staircase to give it a little something extra.

I chose the colour Nuit from Colorantic for this project. This beautiful black was going to add richness to this staircase that needed a lot of love.

In the following article, you will learn how to transform a dull staircase into a masterpiece!


Preparing the staircase required a lot of perseverance. For better adhesion and a smoother finish, I had to sand for several hours.

The section to be painted didn’t cause me too much trouble since I simply removed the varnish with a 100-grit sandpaper. But the steps… that was a very challenging task! Let’s just say patience was key to achieving the desired result. I exhausted my supply of sandpaper!

I completely covered all the steps with green adhesive tape, hoping that it would be straight… I spent over 3 hours installing this adhesive tape and bitterly regretted this crazy idea. Several times I thought I should have just redone one of the many shelves waiting for me in the basement or simply repainted my youngest one’s dresser!

Anyway, I really couldn’t afford to make a mistake since the staircase is literally the first thing we see when entering the house! If my work was a disaster, my husband would remind me of it for the rest of my life, “Remember that time you painted the staircase and messed it up?”


Finally, the enjoyable yet quite stressful part, applying the Night chalk paint.

I applied three coats, strongly hoping that the paint wouldn’t spill over onto the natural wood steps.

To ensure a perfect finish, I used the #10 oval brush for cutting in and applied the paint using a small velvet finish foam roller.


Once the paint was completely dry, I gently removed the adhesive tape. What a relief! My work was just perfect, so I could start breathing again.

I ran out of time to apply three coats of matte varnish, but I was too eager to show you my masterpiece. So, until then, I sincerely hope the kids won’t send a toy car flying into the steps!

Several hours of work and a lot of attention to detail were needed, but it was definitely worth it!

This piece is a real favourite, and I only had good comments about my makeover. It was a great first experience, and I loved revamping a staircase!

For more decorating ideas, join the “Trucs et Décos en tout genre” Facebook group.


escalier peinture a la craie nuit staircase chalkpaint night

Peggy Bourque-Ouellet

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